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Sophia Chu  朱宜倩

Director, Landscape & Urban Design



Ms. Chu’s over ten years professional experience spans both conceptual urban landscape design and landscape architectural projects. Projects from which she has gained significant experience in planning and detail design for hotel and resorts, industrial park, mix-used development, residential landscape, waterfront design and streetscape. 
Worked in different countries and projects that are located in United States, South America, Greater China and Southeast Asia, Ms Chu’s international experience enable her to bridge cultures in the transformative process of design. Ms. Chu focus on the development in the greater China area in the recent years and has worked with major Hong Kong developers, including Swire and New World. She has also worked with high end hotel operators, including Rosewood, Four Seasons, Ritz Carlton, Shangri-La,  and Marriott. Her strength lies in understanding the needs of the client and the end users, to incorporate distinct culture character and therefore develop an environmental friendly design that would not only increase market value but also satisfied user’s need.


 朱宜倩曾任AECOM亚洲区旅游规划设计的助理董事,也是项目总监、专案经理跟资深景观设计师。她在景观设计领域拥有多年的专业经验,参与项目遍及美国丶南美丶中国和东南亚等地,合作对象多为国际知名产业团队,客户包括太古、新世界等香港主要开发商,也曾與四季、麗思卡爾頓、香格里拉、萬豪等各大酒店運營商合作。朱女士参与项目种类包含复合性都市开发丶科技园区丶混合使用商业体、高端酒店景观、住宅景观、水岸设计以及街道景观,皆有杰出表现。 朱女士具有设计领导与项目管理能力,工作范围涉及概念设计丶确定设计动机丶设计深化丶扩初设计丶施工圗协调和客户协调。多元化的国际经验及文化体验在其设计过程中展现出来,而在专案管理之中,朱女士也是客户以及团队间的桥梁,是团队中的重要角色,并于2020年加入Platform。

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